Wallet creation
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After launching the application, you have the opportunity to create two types of wallets to choose from: Walletv5r1 Higload wallet v2 or v3.
You can also add your wallet created earlier using other services. In order to add a wallet, you need to enter your secret phrase and select the desired wallet type. After that, the system will show you the existing address of your wallet that was found.
When creating a wallet through our service, you will need to write down the secret phrase at the wallet creation stage. Please note that the secret phrase is not stored on your device and will not be available to you after creating a wallet. It is shown once without the possibility of recovery. After creating a wallet, the secret phrase is encrypted with a master key and stored in encrypted form in the key storage. Access to this storage is possible only if you have a master key, the phrase itself is not decrypted, only its private key is used to carry out automatic operations. Also, you can create a PIN for your wallet. PIN helps you to double control your withdrawals and operations with your wallet.
!Important! In the Android/IOS mobile app, your secret phrase is stored on your device and can be decrypted using your signature. In this case, automatic operations are only available via the web or TMA app.